MoS Defence launches GRSE-initiated GAINS-2024

GAINS is aimed towards the creation of fast-track innovative solutions to help GRSE turn into a future-ready shipyard.
MoS Defence Sanjay Seth
MoS Defence Sanjay Seth
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Kolkata: Minister of State (MoS) for Defence Sanjay Seth launched today the second edition of GRSE Accelerated Innovation Nurturing Scheme (GAINS) in Kolkata.

GAINS is aimed towards the creation of fast-track innovative solutions to help GRSE turn into a future-ready shipyard.

The initiative taken by the defence PSU Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) under Make In India & Startup India is truly commendable, said the minister on the occasion.

He also stated that as Indians, we are proud that India is establishing itself as a world-class defence industry and reaching new heights of self-reliance.

GRSE CMD Cmde PR Hari said: “New Technology adoption is a key focus area of the shipyard and I am confident that GAINS 2024 shall be a major contributor towards this. I wish the brilliant Indian start-ups the very best in making the nation building initiatives a huge success.”

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